Rules and Regulations

We proudly promote and exemplify values that are timeless and have been the cornerstone of human endeavor and progress. These are not just PCS values, but those held dear by society and all religions to progress and prosper as a whole. At PCS, we make no apology for the active promotion of the virtues of honesty, respect for others, selflessness, compassion and personal responsibility. Our disciplined and caring environment encourages the personal development of such virtues and allows students of character to flourish.


Students are expected to follow these guidelines during the academic year.

  1. ATTENDANCE. Regular attendance is very important to ensure every student’s success in school. In cases of absence due to medical or religious reasons, parents must inform the teacher in-charge and the principal in advance.
  2. TARDINESS. A Students who arrives after 8:05 A.M. is required to get a tardy slip from the principal’s office before he/she is accepted in the classroom. Please note that the gate will be closed at 8:15 A.M. Parents will be contacted and notified when their child arrives late for 5 or more times without proper excuses.
  3. HOMEWORK DURING PROLONGED ABSENCE. Parents should make an appointment with the principal one week before the intended holiday or absence from school in any request of activities or work to be done during the period of absences. The principal will arrange with the teachers for the make-up work if needed.
  4. PERSONAL ITEMS. Electronics games and toys, trading cards etc. are not allowed in school and will be confiscated. All clothing, bags, lunch boxes and other personal belongings that each child brings to school must have a distinctive mark to be identified immediately. Please do not allow your child to bring expensive items, as the school is not liable for personal items. Money should be brought only for specific purposes. The students are discouraged to bring cell phones at school. Using cell phones in the classroom is not allowed in order to avoid distraction and for children to have better concentration in class. Any cell phone brought to school should be submitted to the teacher in charge before classes start and can only be returned during dismissal time. The school is not held responsible for student’s personal belongings that get lost due to negligence.
  5. COMMUNICATIONS. The major form of communication between home and school is through your child. Parents must check the reminder notebook of the children wherein all the notices are sent home, given to you directly or to your driver. Parents should read the notices, sign, write the date in the reply slip, and return to school the following day. During the school year, information sheets are sent in order to update our records of files.
  6. LOST AND FOUND. In cases of loss, parents/guardians must check first with the teacher immediately. Unclaimed items at the end of the school year are given to charity.
  7. PARKING. Parents/Drivers must drive and park properly and safely. Each one must follow or observe the route through the teacher’s aide or guidance in front of the waiting area when collecting the child/children during dismissal time in order to avoid accidents.
  8. SCHOOL GROUPS SUPERVISION. The teachers, on a rotation basis, supervise the school playground during morning break time. However, the children should be always reminded to be careful while playing.
  9. AFTERNOON ACTIVITIESChildren who do not have activities in the afternoons are requested to stay at home.
  10. CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. Computer, Portuguese, and Sports activities are part of the curriculum and we encourage all pupils to attend. No extra payment is required. In case your child is unable to attend these activities, a written explanation should be submitted to the office.
  11. SCHOOL UNIFORMPupils are required to wear their complete uniform. Those who are not wearing complete uniform are given first to third warnings. After the third warning, a notification of parents for meeting with the Principal will be given. (After second notification, the school has the right not to accept a child in class and send him/her home).
  12. REQUIRED SCHOOL MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED BY PARENTS. Pupils should have at least 10 to 12 initial academic/curricular activity notebooks, 1 Math notebook, A4 examination pad paper, pencils, red and black pens, erasers, sharpener, glue, pairs of scissors, pencil case, coloring pens or crayons, ring file or plastic envelope, Mathematics Kit for Grade IV-VI. All notebooks should be properly covered and labeled.
  13. BOOKS. Parents must buy the required textbooks for their children. The selling of books is administered by the Princess Cinderella School Administration Office.
  14. GUIDELINES ON DISCIPLINARY CASES. Students are expected to strictly follow the school rules and regulations. Sanctions for specific violations are herein listed. The teachers take charge of the disciplinary action for the first offense, forwarded to the principal for the second offense, and for the third offense to the School Director.

A. Minor Offences:

  • Disobeying rules and regulations
  • Incomplete uniform
  • Habitual tardiness
  • Coming to school without homework
  • Misbehaving in class during school hours
  • Provoking/fighting with other children during class hours, break time and dismissal time in both the morning and afternoon lessons.

B. Major Offences:

  • Stealing inside and outside the school premises
  • Vandalism of school property
  • Fighting, inflicting physical injury to fellow students
  • Serious disobedience to persons in authority
  • Cheating during quizzes, long tests and term examinations